Are you one of those magical unicorns that sets their mind on a goal and commits 100% and goes all the way till you reach your goal and move on to the next?
Or are you the potato who sets a goal commits 90%, gets really excited, but then excitement dwindles and you DON’T reach your goal but you still move on to the next?
If you are the first… HOW DO YOU DO IT??! Teach me your ways!
If you are the second you are my kind of people *siiigh*
I consider myself a mostly positive person so I am always looking for a way to better myself and see how I can do personal development.
I find something I love that sounds amazing and I commit to it, reach the first or second milestone and then I pause and dilly dally onto something else and the cycle goes on.
I honestly hadn’t noticed I did that until someone pointed it out to me and it was like…
Surprised kitten is surprised.
However, once I realized my vicious cycle, it didn’t make it easier to break it… I’m literally struggling through one of those cycles right now.
It’s like I need something to constantly light a fire under my butt to keep me going or maybe I just haven’t found the thing that lights a fire in my soul and will keep me going on forever ?
A few tips I’ve found so far that help are:
- Find a group of like minded people either in person or online that support each other and lift each other up.
- Say it out loud. Whatever your goal is, let it be known. Tell your family, friends, spouse, etc. Put it out in the universe.
- Surround yourself with positivity. Unfollow negative people, cut ties with negative Nellys. You are what you consume.
- The moment you catch yourself dilly dallying onto something else ask yourself why? Was the current practice not for you? Were you too lazy to follo wthrough? Did you lose interest? Or were you too scared to see what happened once you went all the way?
What about you? Do you go all the way till you reach a goal with no distraction or deviation? If yes, what planet are you from?! lol Jk Share your tips 🙂 If you’re like me, let’s connect and motivate each other!